Sunday, March 22, 2015

Assignments for CAL Jan 2015 Session (BAL-001)

Course Code: BAL 001  
   Course Title: BASICS OF ARABIC
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Answer all the Questions.
1.      a.   Give the meaning of the following Arabic words.
مَطَاْرْ  (maTār)   مَدْرَسَةْ (madrasa), طَبِيْبْ  (Tabīb),  مُدِيْرْ  (mudīr), مَكْتَبْ  (maktab), سَيَّاْرَةْ  (sayyāra), طَاْئِرَةْ (Tā'ira), بَيْتْ (bayt), نَعَم ْ (na٬am),  لا (lā),

     b. Write exact Arabic words for the following English words.
Worker, Staff, Driver, Engineer, Policeman, Manager, Hospital, Aeroplane, Car, Nurse.
2.      a.    Give the meaning of the following Arabic words related to Personal `   Introduction;                
      (أَنْت) (anti), هُو (huwa), أَنْت(anta), أَنَا (ana), هِيَ (hiya)
b.      Translate the following simple sentences into Arabic.
أَنَا رَجُلْ (anā rajul ), أَنَا هِنْدِيْ (anā hindī), أَنْتَ طَبِيْبْ (anta Tabīb), هُوَ مُدِيْرْ (huwa mudīr), أَنْتِ مُهَنْدِسَةْ (anti muhandisa), هِيَ اِمْرَأَةْ (hiya imra), هُوَ مُحَاسِبْ (huwa muHāsib)
3.      Write all the twenty nine (29) alphabets of Arabic in correct order.
4.      a.   Write the meaning of the following Arabic words related to the Family.
أُم  (umm), أُخْتْ  (ukht), بِنْتْ (bint),  أَخْ (akh), جَدَّةْ  (jadda) زَوْجَةْ  (zawja),  أَبْ (ab),  اِبْن (ibn),  زَوْجْ (zawj), جَدّ  (jadd).
     b.    Translate the following sentences into Arabic.
He is my brother. She is your mother. He is your father. Where is your office? This is my Pen. This is your book. That is my school. This is your garden.
5.      a.   Write the appropriate Arabic words for the following Months of the Year.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
b.      Write ten Arabic words related to the Restaurant and use them in simple Arabic sentences.

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