Sunday, March 22, 2015

Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL)

Certificate in Arabic Language

Dear Student,                                                                         
We hope you enjoyed reading this course and found it useful in applying it to your classroom.
In order to help you understand the material better and prepare you for the examination later, we have an assignment for each of the courses. All the assignments are Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs and carry 10 Marks each). In addition to that, we have oral component which carry 20 Marks in each course as a part of continuous assessment.
Aims; The TMAs are mainly concerned with your ability to understand the material and learn the common words and simple sentences of daily use.
Guidelines:  You will be required to answer the questions based on the units.
As in day - to-day life, planning is important in doing the assignments well. Read the assignments carefully and answer all the questions properly.
The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like this:

                                                                                    Enrolment No…………………….



Course Title………………………
Assignment No…………………..                            
Study Centre……………………..                             Date:……………………………..

Please remember that it is compulsory to submit your assignments before you can take the Term End Exams. Also remember to keep a copy of your assignments with you and do take a receipt from your Study Centre when you submit the assignments.
Last Date for Submission of Assignment:
v  For January 2015 session – By 31st March, 2015
v  For July 2015 Session – by 30th Sep, 2015.
Dr.Mohammad Saleem
                                                                                         CAL Programme Coordinator

                                                                                          SOFL, IGNOU

Assignments for CAL Jan 2015 Session (BAL-002)

                          Course Code:     BAL 002  
                        Course Title : COMMUNICATION SKILLS
      Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Answer all the Questions.
1.      a. Mention names of ten (10) animals in Arabic.
b. Write names of fifteen fruits and vegetables in Arabic.

2.      Write fifteen simple Arabic sentences related to Conversation between two friends.
3.      Make sentences with أَحْضِر aHDir( bring/get). Here two sentences are given to serve as examples:
Bring the note book
aHDir al-kurrasa
أحضِر الكـراسة
Bring the fruits
aHDir al-fawakeh
أحضر الـفواكه







4.      Fill in the blank appropriate Arabic words.
al-ustādh  yulqī…………………………..……………الأُسْتَاذ يُلْقِي
al-walad dāhhib ilā …………………………….………اَلْوَلَد ذَاهِب إِلَى
sunū  yashtarī………………..…………………………..سُوْنُو يَشْتَرِي
anā uHibbu………………………………...…………………أنا أُحِبُّ
aT-Tālib  mawjūdun fi……………………..…...……اَلطَّالِب مَوْجُوْدٌ فِي
aS-Sadīq  yataHaddath………………...……...……….اَلصَّدِيْق يَتَحَدَّثْ
rāshid yalab……………………..………......……..………راشِدْ يَلْعَب
nabil yakul………………………………………....……….نَبِيْل يَأْكُل
al-bint taqra………………………..…….........……………اَلْبِنْت تَقْرَأْ
samīr yadhhab ilā ……………………..……...….…..سَمِيْر يَذْهَب إِلى

5.      Match the words of column A with the words of column B.
أنا آسف
I am sorry
مِنْ فَضْلِك
سَلْطَةُ الْفَاكِهَة
Fruit salad

Assignments for CAL Jan 2015 Session (BAL-001)

Course Code: BAL 001  
   Course Title: BASICS OF ARABIC
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Answer all the Questions.
1.      a.   Give the meaning of the following Arabic words.
مَطَاْرْ  (maTār)   مَدْرَسَةْ (madrasa), طَبِيْبْ  (Tabīb),  مُدِيْرْ  (mudīr), مَكْتَبْ  (maktab), سَيَّاْرَةْ  (sayyāra), طَاْئِرَةْ (Tā'ira), بَيْتْ (bayt), نَعَم ْ (na٬am),  لا (lā),

     b. Write exact Arabic words for the following English words.
Worker, Staff, Driver, Engineer, Policeman, Manager, Hospital, Aeroplane, Car, Nurse.
2.      a.    Give the meaning of the following Arabic words related to Personal `   Introduction;                
      (أَنْت) (anti), هُو (huwa), أَنْت(anta), أَنَا (ana), هِيَ (hiya)
b.      Translate the following simple sentences into Arabic.
أَنَا رَجُلْ (anā rajul ), أَنَا هِنْدِيْ (anā hindī), أَنْتَ طَبِيْبْ (anta Tabīb), هُوَ مُدِيْرْ (huwa mudīr), أَنْتِ مُهَنْدِسَةْ (anti muhandisa), هِيَ اِمْرَأَةْ (hiya imra), هُوَ مُحَاسِبْ (huwa muHāsib)
3.      Write all the twenty nine (29) alphabets of Arabic in correct order.
4.      a.   Write the meaning of the following Arabic words related to the Family.
أُم  (umm), أُخْتْ  (ukht), بِنْتْ (bint),  أَخْ (akh), جَدَّةْ  (jadda) زَوْجَةْ  (zawja),  أَبْ (ab),  اِبْن (ibn),  زَوْجْ (zawj), جَدّ  (jadd).
     b.    Translate the following sentences into Arabic.
He is my brother. She is your mother. He is your father. Where is your office? This is my Pen. This is your book. That is my school. This is your garden.
5.      a.   Write the appropriate Arabic words for the following Months of the Year.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
b.      Write ten Arabic words related to the Restaurant and use them in simple Arabic sentences.

Know Your Course Coordinator - Dr Mohammad Saleem CAL (Certificate in Arabic Language)

Dr. Mohammad Saleem is an assistant Professor of Arabic at the School of Foreign Languages. His area of specialisation is teaching and learning Arabic as a foreign language. He writes in Arabic Urdu and English and published more than thirty articles in all the three languages in various reputed magazines and news papers. He is the first to advocate new methods and techniques for teaching Arabic as foreign language in his research work for M Phil titled Methods of Arabic language study in Indian madrasas between teaching and achievement and PhD titled Teaching and learning Arabic as a foreign language in India,problems and prospects with twenty model lessons.
His other areas of interest are culture and literature of Pre Islamic Period. He also takes keen interest in Arabic, Urdu and Persian Poetry
Currently, Dr Saleem has designed along with several young Arabic experts, a very simple, innovative and learner friendly study material for the learners at IGNOU. The material is increasingly becoming popular both is India and Arab countries.
He is also looking after Persian programmes in IGNOU.
Official Address:
School of Foreign Languages,
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi - 110068
New Delhi, India

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Alumni Database

RC Delhi-1 is updating its Alumni database. You are requested to kindly register at the following link on IGNOU’s website:

With regards,
Regional Director
IGNOU Regional Centre, Delhi-I
J-2/1, Block B-1
Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate
Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110044
Ph. 011-26990082, 26990083. Fax: 011-26990084

Friday, March 6, 2015

Aussies to offer skilling courses with NSDC

Strengthening its skill development initiatives, the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) recently signed a pact with Australia’s largest provider of vocational education and training, Technical and Further Education (TAFE), South Australia and Heraud Education and Training.
“This is a first-of-its-kind collaboration where a vocational education and skill training college is being established in India, where the curriculum will be based not only on the Indian framework, but also transnational standards,” says Dilip Chenoy, MD and CEO, NSDC.